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Which Is Better: Royal Jelly Capsules or Pure Royal Jelly?

Are You Wondering Whether Royal Jelly Capsules Or Pure Royal Jelly Are Better?

We often get asked ‘Why don’t you produce your Royal Jelly in Capsule form?’ This is a great question!

Kiwi Royal produces 100% pure Royal Jelly and Royal Jelly Manuka Honey blends. There are a number of reasons why we don’t produce capsules which we thought we’d share with you share with you:

1. ​Our Royal Jelly is produced in New Zealand from ​our own hives. ​The focus is on keeping it as pure and potent as possible. Once you start to freeze dry or encapsulate products, you may run into the risk of nutritional loss. Royal Jelly is very biologically sensitive, loaded with amazing amino acids, peptides, proteins and lipids. If the freeze drying process is not​ delivered​ ​at the​ very high​est​ standard and done with ​utmost delicacy, ​R​oyal ​Jelly’s healing properties are highly likely to be destroyed.​ ​Pure is best.

2. Kiwi Royal products are designed to be ingested sublingually – meaning you pop it under the tongue for faster absorption into the body. ​

​3. Kiwi Royal has zero tolerance for chemical enhancement: ​Currently the only chemical tested in Royal Jelly is an acid called 10-HDA (10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid). Unfortunately, this acid is ​also synthetically ​made in America for research studies​ and​ is not for ​human consumption​. Sadly ​we know there are some brands putting this into the​ir​ Royal Jelly to pass testing​,​​ which may damage the integrity and quality of the product.​ ​Chemically produced products cannot deliver the same ​benefits that ​the Kiwi Royal premium, pure products are capable of doing.

​4. We know you’re searching for real products: Sadly, some of the New Zealand branded products in capsule form are not actually from New Zealand. It may be packed here, but it is in fact a freeze dried powdered product from China. To set Kiwi Royal apart in the market, and to support our guarantee to the consumer, our product remains untampered with and as pure as possible. It’s literally straight from the hive.

5. Additives: Sadly some capsulated products may also contain soy additives or fillers. As many people are taking Royal Jelly for hormonal balance and support, it is interesting to note that Soy contains faux oestrogen​ which may upset that all important balance, particularly for those who are hormonally sensitive.​

​It is also important to know:​

scientists study bees

​Kiwi Royal are the only supplier​s of Royal Jelly​ to Yale University for ​their investigations into the effects of Royal Jelly on ​Cancer research. ​We have also worked with ​both ​Yale University and Auckland University and ​it has been ascertained that our Royal Jelly is the highest grade and ​possibly the ​most authentic in the world.​

Zero Tolerance For Fake Products

​Currently a test is being ​developed ​to test the valuable proteins ​in Royal Jelly. This will highlight which products are synthetically enhanced or fake, meaning the global landscape of Royal Jelly products will change. Consumers deserve REAL products! Most often people believe this is what they are paying for and are disappointed with the results, hence, people need to try Kiwi Royal so they can feel the difference!

Kiwi Royal customers a​re those who ​appreciate and value genuine ​Royal ​Jell​y: they know and understand the benefits and it’s exciting to see that those who have tried capsules previously​ ​are now swapping across to our Kiwi Royal products, as the results they feel from 100% pure product is amazing.

kiwi royal royal jelly

​Kiwi Royal products come in 2 formats​:​ ​suspended within ​creamy golden Manuka honey and ​in a 100% pure raw format. Direct from the hive, hand filtered, and packed into vials or blended with honey​, then straight to the consumer​. ​That’s the way it should be.

Explore our world: Take a look at our range and see how Kiwi Royal may support you on your journey to energy, vitality and wellness!

Disclaimer: Vitamins and minerals are supplementary to and not a replacement for a balanced diet.  

Medication: Royal Jelly should not replace any medically advised medication or instruction from a health care professional.

Weight loss: Weight loss takes time and effort to be successful. People should seek professional advice on diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. Individual results may vary.

Allergies and contraindications: The best way to test if Royal Jelly may assist you is to try taking small doses while closely observing your symptoms.

It’s important to note that if you are allergic to bees/bee venom or if you have oestrogen-sensitive reproductive cancers in your family history, please speak to your healthcare professional about Royal Jelly first.