Loaded with nutrients, proteins, vitamins and minerals essential for optimal daily health, pure Royal Jelly can be an incredibly potent daily supplement to support energy, vitality, cell rejuvenation and overall health. But is Royal Jelly suitable for children’s health?
Royal Jelly consumption in children under six months is not recommended. This is the same for all bee related products, including honey. Children over the age of 6 months have the capability to ingest and process Royal Jelly since their internal organs have had more time to develop. Royal Jelly may in fact support any infant that struggles with proper growth, developmental problems, impaired immunity, and poor appetite.
According to an experiment carried out by doctors in 1966 at the University of Florence, Italy, 42 babies were fed with Royal Jelly and achieved astounding results. All of the babies gained weight and all of the infants’ immune systems were strengthened. Each baby had a higher red blood cell count and within two weeks, all of the babies became plump with full return of their appetites.

Royal Jelly contains antibacterial components that thrive in a growing child. The amino acids contained in Royal Jelly strengthens bones, muscles, tissues and works to protect against harmful infections.
The many benefits that Royal Jelly contains include, a high amount of essential vitamins and minerals, all of the B vitamins, pantothenic acid and trace amounts of vitamin A, C, D and E. Toddlers, teens, and adults experience a healthy portion of nutritional support by ingesting Royal Jelly on a daily basis with most people initially noticing almost immediate changes in their energy and vitality
Teenagers or young adults lacking growth or puberty hormones have also seen a massive increase in their development using Royal Jelly. Both their appetite and eating habits became vigorous and their growth was accelerated. People who had stunted growth saw themselves growing rapidly to a natural height and weight.
What is the best way for a child to take Royal Jelly?
Royal Jelly comes in a series of various formats, however, it is recommended that this product is taken in a pure state so that the person taking the Jelly can receive the most potent benefits. Freeze dried Royal Jelly can often suffer damage through the freeze drying process if not conducted at the highest level of production, and capsules are incredibly hard for children to swallow. Our pure, fresh Royal Jelly is packed into jars, frozen and shipped around the world, and we also produce a range where the Royal Jelly is suspended Manuka Honey – a natural preservative – making it easy for a child to take and more convenient when it comes to calculating the appropriate dose. It is recommended that you consult your doctor or healthcare professional about the appropriate amount of Royal Jelly your child or infant should take.
So, do you have a child that many be underweight? Struggling with energy or not living in optimal health? Perhaps Kiwi Royal may be able to help. Royal Jelly supplies the body with several benefits, perfect in all phases of life, so take a look at our product range and discover how Kiwi Royal can work for you and the health of your family.
Disclaimer: If you are considering giving Royal Jelly or any bee products to your child, it is important to discuss this with your health practitioner first. We also urge you to be very alert to any allergic reactions, as some children may have sensitivities to bee stings or bee products. Some of the side effects reported from allergies include:
- Contact dermatitis
- Acute asthma
- Anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction)
- Swelling
- Coughing and sneezing
- Watery eyes
- Upset stomach
Should any of these symptoms occur, please see immediate medical help.
Vitamins and minerals are supplementary to and not a replacement for a balanced diet. If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional.
- https://royaljellybenefit.net/royal-jelly-for-kids-is-it-good-or-bad-for-them/
- https://med-honey.com/en/products/royal-jelly-for-children-med-honey/
- https://articles.mercola.com/vitamins-supplements/royal-jelly.aspx
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5549483/